Doug Burbey is the universe creator of, and author in, the Blood War urban fantasy series. He is constantly preparing to: repel the demon hordes, slay zombies, brew beer and defeat the insidious plots of the bureaucratic machinery.

Doug grew up in the Philippines as a military brat learning how to cook chicken adobo, scuba diving and exploring jungle waterfalls. After life on the islands it was time to explore this mystical thing they called… snow. He went to college in Michigan and became a Detroit Lions fan in the Barry Sanders era of NFL greatness. Somehow during his frigid stay in Michigan, Doug managed to earn an undergraduate degree and received commission in the U.S. Army. He then served in numerous Army positions living in Germany, Bosnia, Texas, Virginia, New Jersey, Kansas, Maryland, Iraq and Turkmenistan.

In between moving from one military assignment to another he earned a graduate degree and attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Doug did manage to survive a couple wars around the world before retiring his combat boots and putting on a suit and tie. Now his day job is as an advanced military technology development program manager. After endless hours of center aisle seated flights and brain numbing hotel room HBO movies, Doug decided that he needed an outlet for his creative endeavors. How could he take all of his worldly journeys and turn them in to a beautiful expression of his life’s experiences to bring enjoyment to others. Doug decided to bring apocalyptic mayhem to the world with a twist of humor and a few demons as a writer.

With the help of an incredibly patient co-author named Mel Todd, teaching Doug what things like ‘POV’, ‘spelling’ and ‘outlines’ meant… well the Blood War series was born. Still a government stooge by day and a literary demon horde slayer by night, Doug lives and writes in Maryland with his family when not on the road travel across the country for work. During his spring/summer weekends he can often be found wearing muddy work boots with a cold beer in hand tending to his hops vines and apple orchard, just off of the Chesapeake Bay, being a part time gentleman farmer as well.

Doug’s books can all be found on

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